We offer dedicated customer support via email, no matter what your package is. We can also schedule a phone call or email us The first step to register your restaurant on the NGAZE marketing platform is by clicking on thedigitalrestaurant.com/signup or visit our website and click on the button that says “signup”.

First, type the name of your restaurant. The system will automatically begin to show you a list of matches. Then, choose your restaurant name from the drop-down. If you do not find the name of your restaurant, select the option at the end of the list that says “Not found what you are looking for?”

After finding your restaurant, you will need to provide a username and email for your account. Then, mark a check on the privacy policy checkbox. Once you’re finished, click on the “create account” button. Type in the email address that you are going to use for your business. Click the privacy policy checkbox. Then select “create account.”
Once finished, check your email inbox for the verification email. If you use gmail, make sure to check the spam folder. It provides you with link for the digital platform. Then, click on the link that says “login to NGAZE”. Type in the user email which was entered and a password of your choice. This will direct you straight to the platform.

You have successfully signed up on the NGAZE marketing platform.