Your new website is ready. Now, one more thing is required to point your domain name to TDR servers. Here is how to do it.

Setting A Record in DNS settings 

Steps can vary depending on your domain register (GoDaddy, BlueHost, HostGator, etc.). Here are the general steps:

  1. Log into your domain register account.
  2. Click on the domain name you wish to create an A record for.
  3. Click Manage DNS Records.
  4. Select Add Record from the DNS Zone
  5. Here, you will add the A record
  6. Select A (Host) next to Record Type. Enter @ in the Host field, and enter into the Points To field. Select 1/2 Hour in the TTL dropdown window. Select Finish and Save Changes.

Note that if a domain already has an A record they should not create a new one, but edit the existing one (if you create a new a one, make sure to delete the old one). If a domain has multiple different A records that are pointing to separate server it could cause issues. Contact your domain register support for help.

That’s it, you are done. Now you have to wait for DNS propagation to complete.

DNS Propagation

When you update DNS for a domain, it may take up to 24-48 hours for the change to take effect. This period is called DNS propagation. In other words, it is a period of time ISP (Internet service provider) nodes across the world take to update their caches with the new DNS information of your domain.

Due to DNS caches of different levels, after the DNS change, some of your visitors might still be directed to your old server for some time, whereas others can see the website from the new server shortly after the change.

Contact our support team for any questions or issues.