At The Digital Restaurant, we follow a well-structured client review process to maintain clear communication, adapt to evolving needs, and ensure continuous success for clients. This process is typically divided into monthly, quarterly, and annual reviews, each serving a distinct purpose:

Here is the marketing review schedule:

JanuaryAnnual Review & Strategy PlanningReview Q4 performance of holiday season, assess overall yearly performance, set new goals for the new year. Perform digital audit, review and refine annual marketing goals, budget allocation, target audience, content calendar, and planned campaigns. Confirm team roles and responsibilities for the year.
FebruaryMonthly ReviewReview spring marketing plan and start planning specific marketing campaigns for spring events and holidays. 
MarchMonthly ReviewRefresh content for spring themes, and plan for promotions.
AprilQ1 Quarterly ReviewAssess Q1 performance against KPIs and review overall Q1 results to adjust strategies as needed. Start summer marketing planning.
MayMonthly ReviewLaunch summer preparation campaigns: Create content around summer activities, develop graduation-themed marketing, and promote early summer sales.
JuneMonthly ReviewEvaluate progress towards annual goals; launch summer-specific products/services.
JulyQ2 Quarterly ReviewAnalyze overall Q2 performance and adjust strategies as needed. Launch promotions and create summer-themed social media challenges.
AugustMonthly ReviewEnd of summer push: Run "End of Summer" sales, create content around Labor Day activities, and finalize back-to-school campaigns.
SeptemberMonthly ReviewInitiate holiday campaign planning: Create fall-themed content, launch Halloween marketing campaigns, and develop strategies for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
OctoberQ3 Quarterly ReviewAssess Q3 performance and adjust strategies as needed; review and fine-tune holiday marketing campaigns for Halloween and Thanksgiving.
NovemberMonthly ReviewAnalyze holiday campaign performance; launch Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns; create content around Thanksgiving gatherings.
DecemberMonthly ReviewFinal holiday push & next year planning setup. Optimize last-minute holiday efforts, prepare for next year planning and marketing playbook setup.

1. Monthly Review:

The monthly review is a touchpoint focused on tracking ongoing campaigns and services, managing budgets, and addressing any immediate needs. The account manager regularly monitors key performance indicators (KPIs), campaign progress, and resource utilization.

Key Tasks in Monthly Reviews:

  • Campaign Performance Review: Analyzing the success of active campaigns (email marketing, ads, social media, etc.) and making real-time adjustments.
  • Client Reporting: Regular client updates via project reporting and NGAZE marketing dashboard.
  • Budget Tracking: Ensuring the client is aware of any additional costs if they exceed service limits (e.g., email sends, paid ad spend) or request new services.
  • Billing Adjustments: Notifying the client and finance team of any required changes to the monthly invoice due to exceeded limits or additional services.
  • Minor Tweaks: Addressing any day-to-day questions or minor service changes.

This keeps the client informed, avoids surprises on billing, and ensures marketing efforts are optimized continuously.

2. Quarterly Review:

The quarterly review is a more strategic meeting where the agency takes stock of the client’s broader marketing goals and adjusts the marketing plan for the upcoming quarter. It is an opportunity to assess the big picture, make recommendations, and align resources effectively.

Key Tasks in Quarterly Reviews:

  • Service Evaluation: Reviewing all services provided (SEO, content, social media, PPC, etc.) to determine if any additions, removals, or adjustments are necessary.
  • Resource Allocation: Planning resources and setting expectations for the next quarter based on the client’s goals, upcoming events, or product launches.
  • Performance Insights: Presenting deeper performance insights, trends, and results to determine what's working and what needs improvement.
  • New Opportunities: Identifying new opportunities (e.g., trends, or tools) that can help the client grow.

This ensures that the marketing strategy remains in line with the client’s evolving needs, helping to refine efforts for optimal results.

3. Annual Review:

The annual review is a comprehensive reflection on the previous year’s performance and a forward-looking planning session for the upcoming year. It is the most in-depth review and often involves higher-level stakeholders.

Key Tasks in Annual Reviews:

  • SWOT Analysis: A detailed Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the client’s marketing efforts and competitive landscape.
  • Yearly Performance Review: Reviewing the success of all campaigns and strategies, including ROI, growth metrics, and overall business impact.
  • Strategic Planning: Developing the marketing roadmap for the upcoming year, setting goals, and defining key initiatives to drive success.
  • Digital Audit: A full digital audit of the client's online presence, including website performance, SEO, social media, and other digital touchpoints.
  • Marketing Tech: Evaluation of the marketing technology stack to ensure it meets the client's evolving needs.
  • Lessons Learned: Reflecting on lessons from the past year to guide improvements and identify new areas for growth.

The annual review allows for high-level strategic planning, ensuring the client and agency are aligned for long-term success.

By conducting monthly, quarterly, and annual reviews, the team at The Digital Restaurant ensures continuous improvement, aligns with the client's goals, and adapts to the dynamic digital landscape.